I'm pretty sure the barista from Starbucks is trying to flirt with me

Lol the title, but hey I'm not making up any stories here! Writing makes you feel calm, it makes you think more about your life as the words flew by from your fingers into a blank column. But writing at Starbucks will indeed make you feel like Carrie from Sex and The City. The ambiance, the slow tempo music, the serenity, surrounded by couples and you're the only single gal who had pretty complications in her life. Yep I definitely feel like Carrie. You don't know her? Shame on you! Go and watch Sex and The City. You can thank me later of course.

Wanna hear an exciting news?

I'm pregnant....
JK my mother's going to kill me so here's the real news

I'm going to the Little Mix concert!!!!!!

What the hell? I'm like the lamest girl you could have ever met. But here am I making payment for the tickets for the concert. And Little Mix, they are my favourite all girls band ever. I love their songs! Have you heard the Secret Love Song? I love it. Sorry, I practically squealed right there. So yeah if you can't tell already, I'm so excited.

Things had been rough for me these couple of weeks. So I need to chill a little bit, I need to have fun with my friends and to live a little. Cause in 20 years, I'm going to feel regret not having fun during my young adult years ;)

I spent half of my monthly allowance for the rock zone!



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